Seeachange aims to inspire the exploration of our planet while encouraging the protection of the environment and all of its inhabitants. We endeavour to support the work of non-profits and organisations who offer ethical,  sustainable and meaningful experiences around the world. We focus on connecting environmentally and socially conscious travellers and adventure enthusiasts to sustainable providers; simply and directly.

We proudly partner with organisations whose programs and travel experiences reflect our values and make a positive impact on the surroundings in which they operate. We do the research for you, ensuring each program follows our thorough criteria, creating a mutually beneficial interaction for both organisation and participant.

Are you a sustainable tour operator, non-profit, or volunteer organisation and want to collaborate with us?



To help change the way you travel to positively impact the world and its communities.


SEEACHANGE Provides a dialogue for people wanting to make a change in the world.


SEEACHANGE connects you with experiences which make a positive impact on local communities, natural habitats, and wildlife.


SEEACHANGE advocates a reconnection with nature getting outdoors and off the beaten track.


The Seeachange team

Kate Harmer


Kate can be found anywhere near the ocean. With a passion for surfing, travel and the environment, Kate decided she wanted to give back to communities around the world. Kate has a double degree in Government, International Relations, and International Business and works for the Red Cross. During her travels, she realised that there were a lot of organisations needing to be recognised and a lot more effort was needed to discover where and who these organisations were, whether that be giving back to local communities or being environmentally friendly.

Mieka Bradford


Mieka always knew she wanted a career which combined her desire to help others and explore the world. With a background in International Studies and Marine Science, Mieka can be found scuba diving in the Red Sea, trekking in Nepal or providing Emergency Relief at Australian Red Cross. After living and working abroad for many years and becoming aware of the negative effects travel can have, Mieka started to bring together a hub of sustainable tour operators and non-profits that have a positive impact on communities, environment, and wildlife.

Jeffrey Kieffer


Jeffrey Kieffer is a photographer and blogger currently living in the heart of Stockholm, Sweden. He is fascinated with the way digital media has transformed the art of storytelling and hopes to delve into an industry where he can grow this passion and develop his writing. You can find a lot of his photos throughout our webpage.

Camilla Manson


Camilla has been involved in the travel industry for 30 years and is a freelance travel writer and blogger, as well as an official Community Pathfinder for Lonely Planet. If she can ignite the wanderlust in others, then mission accomplished.

You can find her at and on Instagram @alandofmarvels

Claudia Schildknecht


Claudia Schildknecht is a Swiss freelance documentary photographer
currently working abroad in Oceania.
She received her Bachelor in 2016 at the Lucerne School of Art and
Design in visual communication, Camera Arts. Apart from long term projects, she does commission portraits, reportage, and editorials.

Caroline Glidden


Caroline is an American Ph.D. student, specializing in disease ecology. She has a B.A., with honors, in ecology and evolution, and has worked on research projects in South Africa, China, Japan and the United States.

Acts of Adventure


Hey! We're Connor + Alix Bruson
Most days you can find us either up in the mountains trail running or biking, or at our favorite local coffee shop editing videos or dreaming up our next adventure.
We started Acts of Adventure to document our travels both near and far, and also to tell the stories of those who are doing good things in the world. Check out more videos and articles on our blog. Our hope is to inspire others to live and travel purposefully and intentionally.

Julie Chandelier


Julie is French/Swedish and has been traveling the world since a very young age. Born in Stockholm, she has navigated between France and Sweden and she is currently living in Auckland, New Zealand. Having worked in tourism for more than 10 years and have been on all continents, her passion for people and places is really strong. Her goal is to use her photography and work on raising awareness of environmental and communities' issues.
Her happy place is by the ocean or in the mountains.
You can find her on Instagram: @julie_chandelier

Angela Rodriguez


Angela Rodriguez is travelling the world discovering sustainable tourism stories to tell. She work with responsible tourism tour operators and travel companies to help them communicate sustainability in an innovative and inspiring way, connecting people who are doing great things and inquisitive travellers who love to discover the real essence of the places they are visiting.